Be Like Sugar!

SugarBruce We used data from a large U.S. prospective study of approximately half a million participants to assess the association between dietary sugars and risk of 24 malignancies…

We investigated the effect of different types of sugars, including total sugars, sucrose and fructose, as well as the effect of added sugars, added sucrose and added fructose on cancer risk…

After an average of 7.2 years follow-up, 29,099 men and 13,355 women were diagnosed with cancer…

In men, total sugars and fructose intake showed weak inverse association with risk of all cancers and lung cancer…added fructose, similar to total fructose, was associated with decreased risk of all cancers…

Similar to findings in men, fructose intake in women was weakly inversely associated with risk of lung cancer; we found all investigated sugars to be inversely associated with the risk of ovarian cancer…High added fructose was strongly related to lower risk of liver cancer…both added fructose and added sucrose were inversely associated with pancreatic cancer risk…

None of the investigated sugars were associated with colorectal cancer risk in gender-combined or gender-specific analysis…

Ours is the first cohort to investigate the association between different types of sugars and multiple malignancies…

In summary, in our large prospective study, we found no association between dietary sugars…and risk of colorectal or any other major cancer.’ (Tasevska, N, et al., 2012)

It’s safe to say that, according to this study from 2012 published in the International Journal of Cancer, sugar is doing a pretty poor job of “feeding cancer”.

Although potentially difficult to achieve, it would be interesting to see similar studies concerning the long-term consumption of polyunsaturated fats (PUFAs), both with and without sugar.

Copyright 2021, by Dan M @ CowsEatGrass. All rights reserved (except for quotations and images having their own protected copyrights). This copyright protects author-publisher Dan M’s right to future publication of his work in any manner, in any and all media — utilizing technology now known or hereafter devised — throughout the world in perpetuity. Everything described in this publication is for information purposes only. The author-publisher, Dan M, is not directly or indirectly presenting or recommending any part of this publication’s data as a diagnosis or prescription for any ailment of any reader. If anyone uses this information without the advice of their professional health adviser, they are prescribing for themselves, and the author- publisher assumes no responsibility or liability. Persons using any of this data do so at their own risk and must take personal responsibility for what they don’t know as well as for what they do know.

See more here

Tasevska N, Jiao L, Cross AJ, Kipnis V, Subar AF, Hollenbeck A, Schatzkin A, Potischman N. Sugars in diet and risk of cancer in the NIH-AARP Diet and Health Study. Int J Cancer. 2012 Jan 1;130(1):159-69.


Image: “Drawing Bruce Lee with Sugar” Jonathan Harris YouTube

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