Please Don’t Fix My Cholesterol: Cancer Protection & A Happy Heart (New)


Prices are in Australian dollars

Please Don’t Fix My Cholesterol is a guide to understanding cholesterol issues, particularly concerning cancer and heart disease, but it is also about cholesterol and general metabolic health. It concerns the protective role of cholesterol, how it connects to sugar and saturated fat, and many things that can make all three a part of what drives health problems.

It does not promote the idea that you must bring cholesterol down at any cost. Instead, Please Don’t Fix My Cholesterol aims to help readers understand how stress and metabolic problems impact cholesterol metabolism and how cholesterol dysregulation can harm metabolism. It discusses the good and bad of both high and low cholesterol. It provides ways to avoid and improve cholesterol problems using simple and practical lifestyle choices.



Please Don’t Fix My Cholesterol

The Cholesterol Hypothesis Epic Fail

Cholesterol Culture Comeback

Ohh No, My Cholesterol Is Too Low!

To Hell With Cholesterol  And Sugar Phobia

Happy Happy Heart

It’s Easy To Believe Sugar Is Unhealthy

Cholesterol, Fat, Estrogen, Endotoxin, PUFAs and Bile

Endotoxing Cancer

Sugar Feeds Thyroid

WHO tells you what meat to eat

Nitric Oxide Narrative


The MightyChondria!

eBook now available (527 pages, approx. 1000 study references, PDF)

Prices are in Australian dollars