13 Reasons To Blame Sugar!
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by DanM@cowseatgrass · Published · Updated
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by DanM@cowseatgrass · Published July 2, 2018 · Last modified November 9, 2022
by DanM@cowseatgrass · Published November 29, 2021 · Last modified October 30, 2022
by DanM@cowseatgrass · Published May 3, 2019 · Last modified November 6, 2022
Love your work!
Just wondering if you have ever addressed sugar causing cavities? I could not find this on your site.
Here is recurrent question: Marina Weston If fluoride reduces decay, why do we still have cavities?!?
Response: Melissa Gallico That’s a good point to make! You could say something like, “Fluoride is not an essential nutrient. That means there are no known negative health effects from consuming a fluoride-free diet. Plus, everyone agrees that cavities are caused by sugar, not a lack of fluoride. A better way to prevent cavities is to eat a nutrient dense diet that is low in sugar.”
There is a lot of clear documentary evidence that the sugar industry has historically promoted fluoride as a way to prevent cavities and they muddied the science on sugar’s role in tooth decay.
Extracted from: from FB conversation.
Love to see an article addressing this.
Tried sending this via DANM@COWSEATGRASS but it bounced back:
DNS Error: 6835176 DNS type ‘mx’ lookup of cowseatgrass responded with code NXDOMAIN
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I haven’t written on the subject yet, but I’m always wary of people who say things like “everyone agrees that…” without putting forward an argument. Tooth decay is a metabolic issue and has to do with a number a factors including chronic stress, inflammation, bacterial issues, mineral and vitamin deficiencies, amino acid imbalances etc…sugar, in the context of a diet with enough of the other important nutrients, reduces stress and inflammation, promotes metabolic function, and is protective.
Keep defending sugar since it’s the new target for everybody! Good article as always.